
Understanding How Many Lots You Can Have Open(1-Step Funding)

Let’s break it down with an example:

For example, if you are in the $100k plan, you will be able to have 10 open lots with risk available.

If you buy 5 lots of EURUSD at 1.20 and your stop loss is at 1.18, you will have 5 lots on with risk, so you would have 5 still available. If the EURUSD moves up to 1.25, and you update your stop loss to be at 1.20, which would be your open price, you no longer have risk on that trade. So, you would again have 10 lots available, even though you currently have 5 lots open.

If you put on too many lots with risk, then our system will liquidate all trades that currently have risk.

Please note, margin and leverage requirements still apply. So, even though these are the maximum lots that can be traded, it is possible based on the leverage of the account that you may not be able to trade up the maximum.

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Titain Forex Funds is an affiliate of Prop Account, LLC. All funding assessments are provided by Prop Account, LLC and all assessment fees are paid to Prop Account, LLC. If you qualify for a Funded Account, you will be required to enter into a Trader Agreement with Prop Account LC. Neither Prop Account, LLC nor Prop Account LC provides any trading education or other services. All such services are provided by Titan Forex Funds